Eisenhower at the Central ave medians
Estimated vehicular views: 369,200 per day
Sponsored by 811 Chicago
811 Chicago is a twenty-four (24) hour service network system established to prevent contractors and private citizens from hitting any existing utility line(s) when digging. This agency provides a free One Call service to private contractors and homeowners within the City of Chicago's Corporate Limits.
About the Garden
Dramatic stands of ornamental grasses, such as Miscanthus and Pennisetum grass, add movement and additional beauty to the site located on the Eisenhower at the medians of Central Avenue.
100 gardens cover almost 150 acres of roadside landscapes on all major expressways leading in and out of Chicago
The Expressway Partnership Program
The Expressway Partnership Program turns dreary embankments into ribbons of green parkways weaving through the city. More than 100 gardens comprise the Program, covering almost 150 acres of roadside landscapes on all major expressways leading into and out of the city. Each garden is carefully planned using native shrubs, trees, and perennials that require fewer resources and are well adapted to the harsh roadside growing conditions. We work closely with professional landscape crews to provide plant care, weed control, mowing, and litter pickup from April through October to ensure our gardens always look their best!