DAN RYAN inbound 39th to 31st St.
Estimated vehicular views: 255,800 per day
Sponsored by Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Institute of Technology is a private, technology-focused research university offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in engineering, science, architecture, business, design, human sciences, applied technology, and law. In 1890, when advanced education was often reserved for society's elite, Chicago minister Frank Wakely Gunsaulus delivered what came to be known as the "Million Dollar Sermon." From the pulpit of his South Side church, near the site Illinois Institute of Technology now occupies, Gunsaulus said that with a million dollars he could build a school where students of all backgrounds could prepare for meaningful roles in a changing industrial society.
About the Garden
Broad sweeps of native Blazingstar perennials, Prairie Dropseed grasses, and native Sumac shrubs infuse the sight with hardy yet fresh and ‘of-the-moment’ plantings.
100 gardens cover almost 150 acres of roadside landscapes on all major expressways leading in and out of Chicago
The Expressway Partnership Program
The Expressway Partnership Program turns dreary embankments into ribbons of green parkways weaving through the city. More than 100 gardens comprise the Program, covering almost 150 acres of roadside landscapes on all major expressways leading into and out of the city. Each garden is carefully planned using native shrubs, trees, and perennials that require fewer resources and are well adapted to the harsh roadside growing conditions. We work closely with professional landscape crews to provide plant care, weed control, mowing, and litter pickup from April through October to ensure our gardens always look their best!